Mobile EHR Inc will not license, disclose, sell or otherwise share information gathered on or through this application except as required by law or otherwise described in this Terms, Conditions and Privacy Statement. All data provided by users through our apps, websites or services is considered as owned by the user. We do not use, sell or in any way view such data except as necessary to help the user resolve any technical issues.

Collection of Primary Account Information
Mobile EHR Inc provides fields for you to enter your demographic information, contact information and health information and provides this information to your care provider. All fields are optional and are retained in our HIPAA/GDPR compliant system until your care provider chooses to archive or delete the information. The app collects the user's email address for use as part of the user's login credentials, and for sending the user app-related email notifications. If you wish to delete your record please submit your request to your care provider and they can delete your health record.

Mobile EHR Inc is an Electronic Health Record system and is therefore regulated by HIPAA in the United States and GDPR in the EU. Use and disclosure of health information and patient records (“health information”) is subject to extensive United States Federal and State regulation, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Each Mobile EHR Inc Customer and each program or website User agree to comply at all times with their respective obligations under HIPAA, all regulations promulgated thereunder from time to time and all other applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. While Mobile EHR Inc provides an infrastructure for effective storage, retrieval and distribution of health information, making medical and/or legal determinations on disclosure, Mobile EHR Inc does not share or distribute your information. Sharing and distribution of information is solely the responsibility of Customers, Users, and their advisors.

Mobile EHR Inc takes many precautions to protect our Customers’ information. When customers submit sensitive information through our website we protect it both online and offline. On-line we are using encryption authentication (such as passwords and SecurID), and a firewall to protect our Customers’ data. Off-line we protect the data through both physical and operating system security.

Misuse of Mobile EHR Inc information via hacking, spamming, solicitations (whether commercial or non-commercial), or transmission of information that is harmful, obscene, harassing, libelous or illegal is strictly forbidden. Any such activity, and any other violation of this Terms, Conditions and Privacy Statement may result in termination of applicable services by Mobile EHR Inc to the Customer or User without notice and entitle Mobile EHR Inc to all other remedies available under applicable law. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, termination may also result if Mobile EHR Inc has reason to believe that a Customer or User is not in compliance with laws governing privacy or disclosure of health information or that a patient consent has been withdrawn or revoked.

Mobile EHR Inc will post any changes to these Terms, Conditions and Privacy Statement on this page.

If you have questions regarding our privacy policy or other internet-system usage conditions, please call us at 214-783-6303. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have.